Yoga Teacher Training: Weekend #3

So, this weekend was kinda nuts.  Not only did I have yoga teacher training Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but I also had to go to my first Christmas party this season.  On top of all that, my phone decided that it didn’t want to work all day Saturday and so I was trying to figure out when I would next have the free time to go and get it fixed.  Luckily the issue resolved itself, though I have no idea how.  My biggest concern after this incredibly busy weekend, is that I have never been more worried about my hips and their flexibility. 

Friday and Sunday was spent learning and teaching backbends and learning their corresponding Sanskrit words.  We got into the muscles including learning which muscles are being strengthened, which are being lengthened, and which are stabilizing.  I am starting to put it all together mentally on what I can do to accomplish the yoga goals I have.

Saturday was all about the anatomy of the hips with some emphasis on the low back as well.  While this das seemed longer than the others, I was still fascinated by all the muscles that are used that allow us to move and stand.  I am now very worried about not injuring any students because of how interconnected everything is.  Luckily we are going into depth on how to prep for poses and their counter poses so the risk of injury is reduced. 

With everything that happens this time of year I feel like this holiday season is just flying by.  I am running from here to there and have little to no free time until after new year’s.   I almost can’t believe that we only have 7 more weekends left! Hopefully we being delving into meditation soon because I know I will need it.  


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